EPISODE 1 – OVERCOMING OBSTACLES (details and links below) The podcast is full of LIFE, business, relationships (especially mother-daughter), challenges, triumphs, disagreements, support and laughs. Many people wonder what I am like being a person with Down...
PEOPLE always ask me what is the biggest challenge in running my own company….
This is a great question because I really had no idea what I was starting up and how it was going to affect me. Don’t get me wrong by what I am going to say because I LOVE being the BOSS and making my OWN decisions for my OWN company. So here it is – I never had any...
Watched the award winning show Nomadland and its explained a lot about what’s been on my mind.
My last blog I wrote about how meeting this young man that was homeless was such a gift to me. I took such a liking to him and became so compassionate to help him. He worked for me since December, he became one of my best employees and was always on time and SO...
A Gift to me – a story of homelessness
One morning at work a young adult male walked in looking for someone else. It just so happened that he saw us getting ready to bake and went crazy. He wanted to bake with us and said he LOVE making cookies. I offered him to stay and help to later find out he had no...
Coming Up With My New Cookie- The Process
I have been thinking about my next cookie for a year now and it has been decided: A Chocolate Brownie Cookie! Since I am a CHOCOLATE LOVER, this cookie would have to be perfect- chewy, soft, molten like, and rich. I have worked on this cookie for months now, and it...
I Have To Be Honest, This Pandemic Time Is An Ahhh Moment In Life For Me.
My whole life, all I wanted was to be like everybody else. Having a labeled disability, I was always aware that I was different, and how I had to work quite a bit harder just to keep up with the rest of the big world if I wanted to be in it. Now that the...
What Do You Do When You See Someone In A Wheelchair?
I will tell you what I do. First you should know that when I was in Highschool my friends from when I was younger had no interest in a friendship with me. In fact they had no interest in me at all. I use to come home crying and lock myself in my room wondering what I...
The Emails And Messages I Get Just Break My Heart So I Am Doing Something About It.
I stay up late at night, often reading messages and emails to me and my Mom Rosemary. We get so many emails and notes about other young adults and children struggling in their schools and social circles to be accepted. They are sometimes in dummy down classes and not...